What is the role of a private investigator in the Due Diligence process?
The team of SPIA Romania private investigators has the necessary experience, as well as specialized professional training for planning and executing Due Diligence investigations and fraud risk management for our partners.
We use state-of-the-art techniques and the most modern investigative methodologies in order to ensure the accuracy, integrity and completeness of the information we provide to our partners. Thus, we ensure that, at the end of the investigation, our partner is armed with all the data necessary to make a business decision in full knowledge. This way, Due Diligence services protect the business against possible omissions that can have disastrous consequences.
Is the Due Diligence service legal in Romania?
The provision of Due Diligence services and Risk Management is fully legal in Romania. Not only that, but Due Diligence investigations are recognized and regulated practices worldwide.
Moreover, SPIA Romania works at the highest deontological standards, ensuring professional integrity in the services provided. We work discreetly and efficiently, making sure that the investigative process does not disrupt the activity of the partner’s business and does not raise suspicions among possible illicit elements inside or outside the company.
Last but not least, we make sure that we obtain information in full legality, respecting both national and regional legislation, but also international agreements. Under these conditions, the results of Due Diligence investigations are perfectly legal and can be used by our partner for a business decision or even in a legal process.
What happens if we do not use Due Diligence services?
In an ideal world, there would be no need for Due Diligence services. At the same time, in an ideal world, there would be no fraud in the business world. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world, and businesses that do not carry out Due Diligence and Risk Management are left vulnerable to potential fraud.
The vulnerabilities to which companies that do not contract Due Diligence services are subjected to are many. From the risk of financial fraud to the theft of intellectual property, making a catastrophic investment or engaging in an illicit business, which could cost the business fabulous sums of money.
Last but not least, companies that do not protect themselves from fraud are exposed to the risks of bad PR. History shows us many cases of fraud, which have had disastrous effects on the image of a company, sometimes irreparable.
As in any field, in the fight against business fraud, it is better to prevent than to treat.
What activity fields need Due Diligence services?
Literally, every business needs Due Diligence services. As long as the company concludes contracts, acquires, trades, merges or initiates partnerships with other legal entities, it has to manage the risk of fraud, which can only be achieved through specific Due Diligence services.
SPIA Romania has extensive experience in the most varied fields of activity. From insurance or energy companies, real estate agencies to banking institutions, we work with the most competitive business verticals, to ensure a market as safe as possible from the risks of fraud.
What will an agency hired to handle Due Diligence investigate?
In short, everything. Once contracted for a Due Diligence investigation, the private investigation agency will assess the financial vulnerabilities and study the company’s economic and fiscal history, assets and liabilities. It will also be interested in the company’s employees, HR factors, intellectual property, inventory and compliance with the law and economic and financial integrity. Last but not least, private investigators will follow all legal processes as well as the company’s commercial transactions.
By ensuring the completeness of the information obtained, the investigators ensure that the partner has all the data necessary for an informed business decision, in full security against the risks of fraud.